Friday, May 27, 2011

Parents have failed their children and children are failing themselves

Maybe that seems like a bit of a melodramatic statement but really it's not that far from the truth.

There are always four to five people living in this house; My boyfriend, me and three other randoms. We're like a somewhat successful band that only have two permanent members; apparently our apartments dynamics are akin to those of KISS. 

Now that you're up to speed, since I moved in two years ago, there's been one constant trend: rank fucking dodginess.
See Gene Simmons may be one of the smartest people around for knowing this one thing- some people are just in it for the ride.

This is a pretty cool apartment, people would kill to live here; great area, great location, large and pretty chill as far as things go. But, a lot of people take this shit for granted. How fucking hard is it to take out the garbage? Clean up after yourself? Maybe take a little pride in where you live? No, you're right, I'm asking for too fucking much.

The common excuse is: I forgot- OK fair, generally our roommates are from out of town or students. So I thought a good way to solve this, instead of going ape shit crazy on them was to put up a list of when we have garbage and recycling and the suggestion that if we all cleaned, it would be a lot more fair. Sound a little passive-aggressive? OK maybe but maybe I didn't want to assume the role of their mom or perceived lunatic bitch.

The fact is these are thing you learn from parents while living with them. And if you haven't learned this lesson yet, maybe you should move back under their wrath and come back out when you've grown up a little.

Note: I am not your mom... you are not 16,... and asking me when the recycling goes out after you see me BRING it out,  makes me want to drop kick you in the face!  

No hard feelings k, xx oh oh