Tuesday, December 6, 2011

If You're a Crazy, Cracked Out Prostitute - Live on Your Own.

Another blond. This one however, only goes by a letter, let's call her F.

We should have seen the signs right from the get go; While moving in her and her mother and sister, that are helping her move in, get into a fight and start screaming at the top of their lungs. But moving and having family help, can be stressful so... We let it go, and classify it as: Shit Happens.

She says that she's a club promoter, while going to school- cool, it's money right.

My bf mentions that she tends to cut people off- I hadn't noticed, maybe it's a nervous habit.

We have a a girl to girl convo, you know the type when you realize that you have a lot in common and that maybe we could actually be really good friends. But there it is- she starts finishing my sentences but I'm not going where she thinks I am, so that's weird.

After a couple of weeks, we notice that she has friends over all the time but for very short periods. Again, weird.

She leaves our front door unlocked when no one is home and the back door not just unlocked but wide open and again while no one's home. We mention it to her. Then we noticed that she left the door open over night- Which under normal circumstances, maybe but- A few nights before we had found needles in our alley; her bedroom is the one closest to the balcony door- it would really suck if she left the door open to her own rape and possibly murder. I'm just saying.

But our warnings went without being heeded.

We asked again- If not for her own personal security, then for the security of our shit. Still no change.

 By this we had pretty much figured out that she was a prostitute and doing some seriously hard drugs all the time. Which is bad in itself but we couldn't have conversations with her because whenever we tried she would go completely manic on us.


We knew she had to leave even though she had only been living with us for a couple of months.

Right around this time, Hurricane Irene was about to hit and we were having lots of rain. Since in the past she had left the balcony door open when it was raining  and not noticed or even tried to clean up the puddles, we figured we should take stronger actions. We brought in all the patio furniture and locked the door- taking the key out, so it was impossible to open.

I didn't want to do it because my first thought was her security but considering her window was right on the balcony, she could kick it out. Well, she went crazy- The next day she barged into our room and started screaming about the key, while pacing up and down in the halls. I had to leave for work, so my bf had to deal with it. I found out while I was at work that he told her to move out in a week. When we got back home, that evening- The screen had been slashed and the screen for her window had been kicked out; yet she started screaming about her safety and what if there's a fire. Really bitch?! you kicked out the screen, you'll be fine.

 Even though she wasn't on the lease, she tried calling the housing board, the police and even our landlord but they all told her the same thing- You have no case. Shot down!

Normally we don't kick people out- but this wasn't a normal circumstance. This bitch had to go.

Well she apparently thought we were joking about kicking her out because she made no attempts to find a place and we had to change the lock. After all she had already caused property damage, I watch law and order- Shit just escalates.

I called her F in the beginning because she was fucking crazy, with no fucking boundaries and she fucked for a living- The worst roommate ever.

Lesson being: If You're a Crazy, Cracked Out Prostitute - Live on Your Own.

Goodbye Foxy

I am not perfect.

That being said, because I live with other people I try to be. Yes, sometimes I'm lazy and I don;t feel like cleaning up after myself but I do because I know that I'm not the only one living here. I work and I understand having a hard day and honestly forgetting or not really wanting to do household things so I have a 24-48 hour policy. If I don't clean up within 2 days, you have every right to get mad at me and tell me to clean up my shit. But I think the same should go for you.

The last post I wrote was about a girl that was living with us- let's call her Foxy. She was a beautiful, funny, nice but completely spoiled at home so when she moved in with us, she had no idea how to do things for herself. To her credit, whenever I asked her to do something she would do without a question. The fact is I had to ask.

It's been an ongoing battle of questions with our roomates. I have to call house meetings in order to make things better and they are better for all of a day, maybe a week but things always go back to the way they were. I am not here to tell you what to do- If you need a reminder, there's an App for that!

We try to give people their space but when your space gets in the way of my space then we have a problem.

What I'm trying to say is, don't be a selfish brat. Thinking that your time or your responsibilities are are any greater than mine, is more than not fair- it's self-centered and just all round bullshit.

So we said bye to Foxy- who's next?