Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Goodbye Foxy

I am not perfect.

That being said, because I live with other people I try to be. Yes, sometimes I'm lazy and I don;t feel like cleaning up after myself but I do because I know that I'm not the only one living here. I work and I understand having a hard day and honestly forgetting or not really wanting to do household things so I have a 24-48 hour policy. If I don't clean up within 2 days, you have every right to get mad at me and tell me to clean up my shit. But I think the same should go for you.

The last post I wrote was about a girl that was living with us- let's call her Foxy. She was a beautiful, funny, nice but completely spoiled at home so when she moved in with us, she had no idea how to do things for herself. To her credit, whenever I asked her to do something she would do without a question. The fact is I had to ask.

It's been an ongoing battle of questions with our roomates. I have to call house meetings in order to make things better and they are better for all of a day, maybe a week but things always go back to the way they were. I am not here to tell you what to do- If you need a reminder, there's an App for that!

We try to give people their space but when your space gets in the way of my space then we have a problem.

What I'm trying to say is, don't be a selfish brat. Thinking that your time or your responsibilities are are any greater than mine, is more than not fair- it's self-centered and just all round bullshit.

So we said bye to Foxy- who's next?

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